Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program

I-HELP is a unique, cost-effective program that partners faith communities together in the effort to provide emergency shelter to people experiencing homelessness across the valley.  Through case management and the support of caring volunteers, our fellow neighbors move from crisis to stability.  Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest currently operates the I-HELP program in Mesa, Glendale, the Northwest Valley, the Southwest Valley, Peoria and Phoenix.

We need your help!

The most critical component to the success of I-HELP is having space for people to sleep each night. If you have the space, our team can help with providing the additional resources such as meals, cots, or volunteer support. If you have a community space that you’d like to offer as an I-HELP host site, please click here for more information (coming soon!) or contact  to express your interest. We’d love to arrange a time to visit your site and see if it could be a fit!

Can I donate to the I-HELP program?

Yes, our top in-kind needs are:

  1. Twin sized sheets and blankets

  2. Towels and Washcloths

  3. Toiletries – Toothbrush/paste, Deodorant, Shampoo, Conditioner, Body Wash, Pads/Tampons, Laundry Detergent

  4. Individually packaged breakfast foods and snacks

  5. Paper/plastic plates and cutlery

You can drop-off or ship your donation to: 2502 E. University Drive, Suite #125, Phoenix, AZ 85034, Monday - Thursday from 10am-1pm

You can also make a financial gift here

Can I volunteer with the I-HELP program?

Yes!  Volunteers are needed in a variety of ongoing and one-time positions, including: overnight monitors, dinner meal teams, snack and breakfast packing and drop off, van driver, van maintenance, intake and administrative volunteers.  If you have questions about volunteering, email: or apply here.