Get Started On Your Sheet Drive

Download promotional materials to get started!

Poster (designed as 18 x 24)
Sample bulletin/newsletter text
PowerPoint slide
Sample social media posts
Graphic - John 15
Graphic - Sheet Drive
Graphic - Tree
Thank You PowerPoint slide
Thank You bulletin/newsletter text


Why are sheets in high demand?
Everyday basic needs like sheets are universally needed by the variety of populations that we serve. Refugees and children in foster care often arrive in new households without the basics. Others that we serve have worn, threadbare sheets that haven't been replaced in many years. Having a clean bed with fresh sheets can make a huge difference in wellbeing for older adults living below the poverty line.

What kind of sheets should we collect?
New twin, full, and queen sized sheets. 

Where should we bring our donations?
Email to schedule your donation delivery and ask any questions you have.

Can we donate related items like pillows, bedding, and mattresses? Can we donate used sheets?
We are not equipped to launder, contaminate, and distribute used bedding items. At this time our greatest need is new Twin, Full, and Queen sized sheets. Click here to see a wish list of other items that are highly needed. 

Tips and ideas to get started!

  • Host a sheet drive to celebrate a special holiday, anniversary, or ministry team. 

  • Organize a sheet drive team and create fellowship with community members in planning together. 

  • Purchase re-usable grocery bags with your church logo and encourage congregants to bring them back filled with diaper donations.

  • Create a visual display with your donations in your sanctuary.

  • Set a goal and make a thermometer to track your progress

  • Take lots of pictures and report back to your congregation on your success (and share them with us!)

  • Are you a Thrivent member? Create an Action Team project to get some extra resources for your sheet drive!